Dr. Horrible Shadow Cast

Doctor_Horrible_BannerWe’ve all heard the stories about Rocky Horror Picture Show fans dressing up and mimicking their favorite movie for an adoring audience. But what if we told you Fort Collins Comic Con is doing it for Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, and you can be a part of it too?

Dr. Horrible follows the tragic love story between a villain, and a superhero’s girlfriend. Written by Joss Whedon, it’s toe-tapping fun, and we want you to be a part of it!

Parts Available

Dr. Horrible – FILLED
Billy – OPEN
Penny – FILLED
Captain Hammer – FILLED
Moist – OPEN
Bad Horse Cowboy 1 – OPEN
Bad Horse Cowboy 2 – OPEN
Bad Horse Cowboy 3 – OPEN
Fangirl/Fanboy 1 – OPEN
Fangirl/Fanboy 2 – OPEN
Fangirl/Fanboy 3 – OPEN
Extra 1 – OPEN
Extra 2 – OPEN
Extra 3 – OPEN

Guidelines for Casting:

  1. Cast members are expected to practice at least 4-6 hours on your own (or informally with other cast members!)
  2. Cast members must attend in-person rehearsal, time and date to be determined.
  3. Cast members must attend in-person dress rehearsal, time and date to be determined.
  4. Cast members must cosplay one or more costumes from the show for the performance.
  5. Genderbend casting is allowed.
  6. Casting call ends July 8th at midnight. Casting will be announced July 10.

If you are interested, please contact Boom at boom@wtfmarketing.com ASAP.